Lebanon County’s ONE TRULY LOCAL Newspaper

About Us

Welcome to the Lebanon County Bulletin, a vibrant voice in local journalism that started as a dream and blossomed into a reality, serving the heart of Lebanon County.

Our Origin: A Vision Comes to Life

The journey of the Lebanon County Bulletin, originally known as the Northern Lebanon Bulletin, began with a vision. Our founder and editor, Jake Keiter, saw a significant void in local journalism in Lebanon County. This realization came during his tenure at The Hummelstown Sun, where he recognized the profound impact a local newspaper can have on a community. Driven by this insight and armed with ambition, Jake set out to fill this void and established a platform that resonates with the heartbeat of Lebanon County.

The Digital Beginning and Transition to Print

The Lebanon County Bulletin took its first steps in the digital world in February 2023. Focusing on township news and community feel-good stories, the online platform was a humble start. However, Jake quickly realized that being online was not enough to fulfill the growing demand for a tangible, local print newspaper. In May 2023, responding to this need, the Bulletin transitioned into a monthly print publication. This move wasn’t just a change in medium; it was a step closer to the people of Lebanon County.

Expanding Horizons: From Northern Lebanon to Countywide Coverage

As our stories unfolded and the community’s engagement grew, the demand for our small-town local paper began to surpass our original boundaries. Embracing this growth, we reestablished ourselves as the Lebanon County Bulletin and then began to publish bi-weekly. This evolution was more than just a name change alone; it was a commitment to serve all of the Lebanon Valley, bringing more stories, more news, and more of what matters to our readers.

Today: A Blend of News, Visual Appeal, and Tangibility

The Lebanon County Bulletin stands today as a testament to the power of local journalism. We strive not only to share news and events from around Lebanon County but also to create a newspaper that is visually appealing and enjoyable to read. We understand that a newspaper is more than just words on paper; it’s a weekly companion, a window into the community, and a tangible piece of history in the making.

Join us on this journey as we continue to bring you the stories that shape Lebanon County, crafted with care, dedication, and a deep understanding of what it means to be truly local. Welcome to the Lebanon County Bulletin – your newspaper, your community, your story.